Energy healing is the optimization and balancing of the energy field of a person, animal, plant, situation or anything. Healing is natural and all of creation heals itself including you. An energy healer directs life-force energy, suspending the effects of beliefs or circumstances that block healing, growth and change.
We are more than just a physical body. We are a combination of material atoms and cells, and intangible thoughts and feelings. These components are not separate, they interact and affect each other. The common denominator and link between these systems is energy.
At its most fundamental level everything is energy, from subatomic particles, to our emotions, thoughts and life-force, which is also known as Source, spirit, chi, prana, Creator and God among other names. The energy of our various parts vibrates at different frequencies. When we vibrate at the right frequency health manifests, but if we don't disease follows.
To maintain physical health you should keep your mental and emotional vibrations high. You can do that through proper nutrition, exercise and rest, by avoiding negative or destructive thoughts about yourself and others, and by cutting short negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy and greed. Notice them, then let them go.
In other words don’t worry, be happy. Admittedly, that's easier said than done. The human condition is a perpetual effort to move from darkness to light, and it's hard to control our thoughts and reactions. They arise from our subconscious, perhaps as negative self talk programmed from childhood, or incongruous behavior triggered by trauma and stress.
We can change our programming with techniques like hypnosis, and we can raise our vibration with meditation, yoga and prayer. However, if you are dealing with very entrenched energy patterns you may need some help.
Energy healers connect to Source and tune in to vibrations such as peace and love, then transfer them to you, amplifying and raising the frequency of your energy body and causing deep relaxation. This removes energy blockages, allowing your energy to flow and promoting physical, emotional and mental self-healing.
Life-force energy is directed by intention but it is also intelligent and will flow to wherever it is needed the most. Essentially, the client and practitioner work together, with the source of all creation, which is pretty awesome when you think about it. Accordingly, practitioners and clients may receive intuitive messages that help guide a treatment or raise important questions. This guidance can be very useful as you continue healing.
Remarkably, energy healing can also be provided at a distance by the practitioner working on an object or space locally while the healing energy is replicated in the client many miles away. Some say this is made possible by quantum entanglement, or the sub atomic quantum connection between the two locations. Incredibly, these treatments are highly effective. No wonder Albert Einstein described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance"!
Energy healing is safe, gentle and invigorating, and can be used to address an illness or injury, or to increase performance in any area of your life, from fitness, sporting abilities and relationships, to career, finances and spiritual growth.
During a healing session clients usually feel very relaxed. You may see visions or colors in your mind's eye or feel heat or tingles in your body. You may feel your energy body buzz or feel sparks running down a limb. You may feel like you are floating, or sinking. You may feel the movement of energy in or around your body where we are working. Or you might fall asleep and feel nothing. In any case the energy is always working and you will see results either immediately or within a few days of your treatment.
There are many modes of energy healing. Divine Intervention offers a combination of approaches including Reiki, intuitive energy healing and clinical aromatherapy massage. Click here to find out more about our services
We are more than just a physical body. We are a combination of material atoms and cells, and intangible thoughts and feelings. These components are not separate, they interact and affect each other. The common denominator and link between these systems is energy.
At its most fundamental level everything is energy, from subatomic particles, to our emotions, thoughts and life-force, which is also known as Source, spirit, chi, prana, Creator and God among other names. The energy of our various parts vibrates at different frequencies. When we vibrate at the right frequency health manifests, but if we don't disease follows.
To maintain physical health you should keep your mental and emotional vibrations high. You can do that through proper nutrition, exercise and rest, by avoiding negative or destructive thoughts about yourself and others, and by cutting short negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy and greed. Notice them, then let them go.
In other words don’t worry, be happy. Admittedly, that's easier said than done. The human condition is a perpetual effort to move from darkness to light, and it's hard to control our thoughts and reactions. They arise from our subconscious, perhaps as negative self talk programmed from childhood, or incongruous behavior triggered by trauma and stress.
We can change our programming with techniques like hypnosis, and we can raise our vibration with meditation, yoga and prayer. However, if you are dealing with very entrenched energy patterns you may need some help.
Energy healers connect to Source and tune in to vibrations such as peace and love, then transfer them to you, amplifying and raising the frequency of your energy body and causing deep relaxation. This removes energy blockages, allowing your energy to flow and promoting physical, emotional and mental self-healing.
Life-force energy is directed by intention but it is also intelligent and will flow to wherever it is needed the most. Essentially, the client and practitioner work together, with the source of all creation, which is pretty awesome when you think about it. Accordingly, practitioners and clients may receive intuitive messages that help guide a treatment or raise important questions. This guidance can be very useful as you continue healing.
Remarkably, energy healing can also be provided at a distance by the practitioner working on an object or space locally while the healing energy is replicated in the client many miles away. Some say this is made possible by quantum entanglement, or the sub atomic quantum connection between the two locations. Incredibly, these treatments are highly effective. No wonder Albert Einstein described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance"!
Energy healing is safe, gentle and invigorating, and can be used to address an illness or injury, or to increase performance in any area of your life, from fitness, sporting abilities and relationships, to career, finances and spiritual growth.
During a healing session clients usually feel very relaxed. You may see visions or colors in your mind's eye or feel heat or tingles in your body. You may feel your energy body buzz or feel sparks running down a limb. You may feel like you are floating, or sinking. You may feel the movement of energy in or around your body where we are working. Or you might fall asleep and feel nothing. In any case the energy is always working and you will see results either immediately or within a few days of your treatment.
There are many modes of energy healing. Divine Intervention offers a combination of approaches including Reiki, intuitive energy healing and clinical aromatherapy massage. Click here to find out more about our services
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