YofiIntuitive Energy Healer, Clinical Aromatherapist
Yofi started energy work at age 5, seeing it purely as the work of God. Following her intuition, she incorporated it into her massage work and saw dramatic results. Her continued connection to the Creator has fostered her spiritual abilities, including healing, prophecy and languages. Yofi is a yoga and qigong practitioner, an Eve Taylor certified clinical aromatherapist and a qualified health and beauty therapist, electrologist and massage therapist (Frederique Academy, Hong Kong), kindergarten director, preschool teacher and home school administrator and is qualified in creative mind control (Alpha Creations). She is an avid photographer and social activist and has worked and run successful healing practices in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Canada. |
PeterReiki Master, Meditation Teacher
Peter has studied comparative religions and the healing aspects of spirituality for 45 years. He began his healing work in 1999 and has served as a spiritual teacher and worship leader. Peter is a yoga and qigong practitioner and a certified Reiki Master (Natural Healer), Meditation Teacher (Priority Academy/ CTAA), Hypnotherapist (Scottish Strategic Life Academy) and Health and Nutrition Life Coach (Transformation Academy). He is qualified in creative mind control (Alpha Creations), self hypnosis (Steven Burns), change management (Prosci), financial planning (Kaplan), and sales and communications. He worked at IBM and other multinational corporations in Australia, Hong Kong, Canada and the USA and played first grade rugby in Sydney, Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) degree from the University of New South Wales. |
Compression Fracture
I slipped on some ice and sustained a compression fracture to a vertebra in my neck. I was unable to move my hands or legs and was taken to hospital by ambulance. The doctor said I may not walk again. Yofi and Peter worked on me a number of times. During the second session with Yofi I felt sparks and twinges running down my arms and legs. Immediately afterwards the physios asked if I could stand with a walker and move my legs. I got up on the walker and not only moved them, I walked out of the room and down the corridor. They were amazed. I was amazed.
Peter Cioffi, Business Owner, Mississauga, Canada
Neck and Knee Injuries
I have known Peter beyond 50 years. He visited India early in our friendship and returned touched by another force. His advance to the practice of Reiki is natural. We live continents apart. When he suggested he could assist the healing of a neck and serious knee injury from afar I showed doubt. My partner, a naturopath assured me to show faith. Subsequent to treatments both injuries have shown physical signs of improvement. In a world of increasing detachment it’s reassuring to experience the force of healing.
Peter Stutchbury, Architect, Sydney, Australia. Professor ‘99-‘19. Gold medal ‘15
Nerve Pain
I am quite skeptical of anything that might appear pie in the sky, but as the say about pies and puddings, the proof is in the eating. I gashed my right foot on a metal bed frame. The pain was excruciating, but also triggered a recurring event from a previous injury where a nerve in my foot flares up and sends horrific shocks throughout my body every 20 or 30 seconds without let up for weeks, making it impossible to sleep or function normally. After two days of suffering I was in tears, and desperate, as I still needed to care for my mother through all this. So I called Yofi and Peter, 1700 miles away. As instructed, I lay down and tried to relax and be receptive to whatever it was they were doing for me. Fifteen minutes went by and nothing. I was getting upset... but after half an hour I felt something happening in my right foot all the way up to my calf. It felt like a metaphysical sheath which slowly made the frequency of electric shocks lessen. I couldn't believe it at all but the feeling was palpable and real. Seriously, the frequency of attacks went down to almost zero by the end of the hour long session. That night I experienced a bit of a relapse and the pain shifted from the top of my foot to my calf and then even went into my left foot for a while, then into my left side above my stomach, then back down to my right foot. Then, all the pain was gone. It just vanished. I do not have a clue what they did, but they did it. What normally lasted two to three weeks, every year, was gone within four days (they interceded on the 3rd day). I am forever grateful to Divine Intervention and recommend them highly. They know what they are doing. They are connected without question to the almighty G-d and they have this energy healing gift. I am no longer a skeptic. I believe in Divine Intervention.
Richard D. Ruttenberg, Film Scorer and Recording Artist
Arthritis and Shingles
At 90 years of age I have a few mobility issues, not least of which involves arthritis in various locations throughout my body. The most affected area was my feet. The arthritis in the tendons in the soles of my feet and ankles made them feel like blocks of wood and the lack of flexibility made walking normally impossible and nearly not possible at all. I contacted Peter for a distance Reiki treatment and after a couple of days my left foot was completely better and I had some relief in my right foot. I decided to have a second treatment to address the right foot as well as residual pain in my back from a previous shingles episode. The next day both feet felt normal and the shingles pain was gone, but then my hips and lower back seized up, probably as a consequence of a vertebrae fracture sustained many years ago. So I had one more treatment and my hips and back are now pain free and I’m walking normally again. I am actually having a hard time getting my head around it but I am obviously delighted with the results. I would recommend Peter to anyone.
Bruce, Retired Executive, Sydney, Australia
Other Stories
I was sitting in our back yard when a large possum wandered into our garden. It was moving very slowly and appeared, to me, to be weak. I was quite amazed that it walked right by me and stopped about 12 feet away and right then I felt heat and buzzing in my right hand. I knew it wanted healing so I held out my hand and felt the energy flow out to the possum. It stayed very still, receiving the energy for about five minutes. During that time it looked back at me and I swear we made eye contact! When it was done it walked off and under the fence into the neighbors yard. Later that summer I had a similar experience on the shore of lake Ontario when a large fish swam up extremely close to shore. I have had considerable success treating pets and farm animals, but there is something special about encounters with nature.
An elderly woman was referred to us, suffering with severe arthritis. She was in a lot of pain before the treatment. I know that healing energy is intelligent and will go to where it is needed the most and while working on her throat chakra I saw waves of light rippling out and across to both shoulders and knew that they were problem areas. Afterwards she said that the session was deeply relaxing and she felt a loving warmth emanating from her chest that pervaded her whole body, which was a delightful experience. Then when she sat up afterwards and moved her hands and shoulders she felt no pain. She was so excited she was literally jumping up and down. And to my knowledge she has not had any pain since.
Head and Back Injury
Yofi and I provided distance healing for pain and weakness. A traumatic accident had caused a head injury and fractured vertebrae. We set up set up a call to discuss what to expect and then started the session. We both worked on her at the same time. I did Reiki and Yofi did intuitive energy healing. After the session we reconnected to discuss it. Our client reported a warm feeling drifting over her. She felt very relaxed throughout the treatment, and experienced an easing of the pain in her back. Yofi had received some visions and words of advice during the treatment that she said were bang on. Later she said that she felt lighter, and her movement was easier.
Our client had been suffering from debilitating shingles pain. She was in considerable pain, felt physically depleted and her countenance was very down when she arrived for treatment. She said she would have to receive the treatment sitting down because lying on your back was too uncomfortable, and that she would have to stand occasionally throughout the treatment because even sitting is uncomfortable. During the session she became extremely relaxed, and the pain was relieved so much that she did not need to stand at all. Afterwards she said she had felt waves of healing energy and was greatly relieved and energized.
Colds and Flu
We had a client who had very low energy from a cold and nagging cough. I worked on her in person while Yofi provided energy healing from 2,500 km away. Our client is highly intuitive and quite psychic, and appeared to fall into a deep trance as soon as I started the treatment. While working on her I saw a bright flash of light accompanied by a blunt jab into the palm of my hand; an unusual occurrence in my experience. After the session she described some vivid visions that had come to her during the treatment. While they did not hold meaning for me she explained they were quite significant for her. When Yofi and I compared notes, she described her vision leading up to and beyond the time I saw the flash, which added a new dimension to our understanding. After the treatment our client's energy had returned and the cough had abated.
Life Out of Synch
Sometimes things in life just don't line up. Our timing can be off and opportunities are missed. I treated a young man with this problem, as well as some physical issues. During the session I felt and saw the energy moving including sparkles on the back of my hand, and his energy level was much higher when we finished. He had a series of visions that he described afterwards. He saw the world turning in dark space, but it was turning the wrong way. Then after a while he saw it change direction and as it did a large infinity symbol appeared over it. I suggested he meditate on the true meaning of that for him, but intuitively I knew the energy was working to balance his life.
A young woman came to me because she was curious about Reiki. She was physically fit and not taking any medication, but on this particular day she was suffering with a bad hangover including a headache and upset stomach. During the treatment I felt movement and an increase in her energy. Afterwards I asked her how it went and she replied, "I didn't really feel anything, but my hangover is gone!"
End Note
We were both drawn to spiritual wisdom at an early age, and met in a dream from opposite sides of the world. God is at the centre of our worldview and our understanding of healing. Our spiritual philosophy is based on Judaism, Kabbalah and other spiritual practices. Our goal is to help repair the world, starting with ourselves, and the techniques we use support that aim. We combine intuition with clinical aromatherapy and Reiki to release stress, clear energy blocks and allow your body to restore balance and continue healing. We use these treatments on ourselves, each other and our clients with tremendous effect.
Click here to read more about energy healing
Compression Fracture
I slipped on some ice and sustained a compression fracture to a vertebra in my neck. I was unable to move my hands or legs and was taken to hospital by ambulance. The doctor said I may not walk again. Yofi and Peter worked on me a number of times. During the second session with Yofi I felt sparks and twinges running down my arms and legs. Immediately afterwards the physios asked if I could stand with a walker and move my legs. I got up on the walker and not only moved them, I walked out of the room and down the corridor. They were amazed. I was amazed.
Peter Cioffi, Business Owner, Mississauga, Canada
Neck and Knee Injuries
I have known Peter beyond 50 years. He visited India early in our friendship and returned touched by another force. His advance to the practice of Reiki is natural. We live continents apart. When he suggested he could assist the healing of a neck and serious knee injury from afar I showed doubt. My partner, a naturopath assured me to show faith. Subsequent to treatments both injuries have shown physical signs of improvement. In a world of increasing detachment it’s reassuring to experience the force of healing.
Peter Stutchbury, Architect, Sydney, Australia. Professor ‘99-‘19. Gold medal ‘15
Nerve Pain
I am quite skeptical of anything that might appear pie in the sky, but as the say about pies and puddings, the proof is in the eating. I gashed my right foot on a metal bed frame. The pain was excruciating, but also triggered a recurring event from a previous injury where a nerve in my foot flares up and sends horrific shocks throughout my body every 20 or 30 seconds without let up for weeks, making it impossible to sleep or function normally. After two days of suffering I was in tears, and desperate, as I still needed to care for my mother through all this. So I called Yofi and Peter, 1700 miles away. As instructed, I lay down and tried to relax and be receptive to whatever it was they were doing for me. Fifteen minutes went by and nothing. I was getting upset... but after half an hour I felt something happening in my right foot all the way up to my calf. It felt like a metaphysical sheath which slowly made the frequency of electric shocks lessen. I couldn't believe it at all but the feeling was palpable and real. Seriously, the frequency of attacks went down to almost zero by the end of the hour long session. That night I experienced a bit of a relapse and the pain shifted from the top of my foot to my calf and then even went into my left foot for a while, then into my left side above my stomach, then back down to my right foot. Then, all the pain was gone. It just vanished. I do not have a clue what they did, but they did it. What normally lasted two to three weeks, every year, was gone within four days (they interceded on the 3rd day). I am forever grateful to Divine Intervention and recommend them highly. They know what they are doing. They are connected without question to the almighty G-d and they have this energy healing gift. I am no longer a skeptic. I believe in Divine Intervention.
Richard D. Ruttenberg, Film Scorer and Recording Artist
Arthritis and Shingles
At 90 years of age I have a few mobility issues, not least of which involves arthritis in various locations throughout my body. The most affected area was my feet. The arthritis in the tendons in the soles of my feet and ankles made them feel like blocks of wood and the lack of flexibility made walking normally impossible and nearly not possible at all. I contacted Peter for a distance Reiki treatment and after a couple of days my left foot was completely better and I had some relief in my right foot. I decided to have a second treatment to address the right foot as well as residual pain in my back from a previous shingles episode. The next day both feet felt normal and the shingles pain was gone, but then my hips and lower back seized up, probably as a consequence of a vertebrae fracture sustained many years ago. So I had one more treatment and my hips and back are now pain free and I’m walking normally again. I am actually having a hard time getting my head around it but I am obviously delighted with the results. I would recommend Peter to anyone.
Bruce, Retired Executive, Sydney, Australia
Other Stories
I was sitting in our back yard when a large possum wandered into our garden. It was moving very slowly and appeared, to me, to be weak. I was quite amazed that it walked right by me and stopped about 12 feet away and right then I felt heat and buzzing in my right hand. I knew it wanted healing so I held out my hand and felt the energy flow out to the possum. It stayed very still, receiving the energy for about five minutes. During that time it looked back at me and I swear we made eye contact! When it was done it walked off and under the fence into the neighbors yard. Later that summer I had a similar experience on the shore of lake Ontario when a large fish swam up extremely close to shore. I have had considerable success treating pets and farm animals, but there is something special about encounters with nature.
An elderly woman was referred to us, suffering with severe arthritis. She was in a lot of pain before the treatment. I know that healing energy is intelligent and will go to where it is needed the most and while working on her throat chakra I saw waves of light rippling out and across to both shoulders and knew that they were problem areas. Afterwards she said that the session was deeply relaxing and she felt a loving warmth emanating from her chest that pervaded her whole body, which was a delightful experience. Then when she sat up afterwards and moved her hands and shoulders she felt no pain. She was so excited she was literally jumping up and down. And to my knowledge she has not had any pain since.
Head and Back Injury
Yofi and I provided distance healing for pain and weakness. A traumatic accident had caused a head injury and fractured vertebrae. We set up set up a call to discuss what to expect and then started the session. We both worked on her at the same time. I did Reiki and Yofi did intuitive energy healing. After the session we reconnected to discuss it. Our client reported a warm feeling drifting over her. She felt very relaxed throughout the treatment, and experienced an easing of the pain in her back. Yofi had received some visions and words of advice during the treatment that she said were bang on. Later she said that she felt lighter, and her movement was easier.
Our client had been suffering from debilitating shingles pain. She was in considerable pain, felt physically depleted and her countenance was very down when she arrived for treatment. She said she would have to receive the treatment sitting down because lying on your back was too uncomfortable, and that she would have to stand occasionally throughout the treatment because even sitting is uncomfortable. During the session she became extremely relaxed, and the pain was relieved so much that she did not need to stand at all. Afterwards she said she had felt waves of healing energy and was greatly relieved and energized.
Colds and Flu
We had a client who had very low energy from a cold and nagging cough. I worked on her in person while Yofi provided energy healing from 2,500 km away. Our client is highly intuitive and quite psychic, and appeared to fall into a deep trance as soon as I started the treatment. While working on her I saw a bright flash of light accompanied by a blunt jab into the palm of my hand; an unusual occurrence in my experience. After the session she described some vivid visions that had come to her during the treatment. While they did not hold meaning for me she explained they were quite significant for her. When Yofi and I compared notes, she described her vision leading up to and beyond the time I saw the flash, which added a new dimension to our understanding. After the treatment our client's energy had returned and the cough had abated.
Life Out of Synch
Sometimes things in life just don't line up. Our timing can be off and opportunities are missed. I treated a young man with this problem, as well as some physical issues. During the session I felt and saw the energy moving including sparkles on the back of my hand, and his energy level was much higher when we finished. He had a series of visions that he described afterwards. He saw the world turning in dark space, but it was turning the wrong way. Then after a while he saw it change direction and as it did a large infinity symbol appeared over it. I suggested he meditate on the true meaning of that for him, but intuitively I knew the energy was working to balance his life.
A young woman came to me because she was curious about Reiki. She was physically fit and not taking any medication, but on this particular day she was suffering with a bad hangover including a headache and upset stomach. During the treatment I felt movement and an increase in her energy. Afterwards I asked her how it went and she replied, "I didn't really feel anything, but my hangover is gone!"
End Note
We were both drawn to spiritual wisdom at an early age, and met in a dream from opposite sides of the world. God is at the centre of our worldview and our understanding of healing. Our spiritual philosophy is based on Judaism, Kabbalah and other spiritual practices. Our goal is to help repair the world, starting with ourselves, and the techniques we use support that aim. We combine intuition with clinical aromatherapy and Reiki to release stress, clear energy blocks and allow your body to restore balance and continue healing. We use these treatments on ourselves, each other and our clients with tremendous effect.
Click here to read more about energy healing
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